To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted confidential information in this case study. All information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of the company.
My Role
Designed the first launch mobile and web end-to-end version of the product.
The Challenge
Our client approached with the objectives to create a credible, trustworthy, reliable web and mobile platform that is timely, current and has well-timed content, resources and knowledge. Also, to provide a good simple communicative platform for job seekers and employers. We were tasked to deliver an mobile and web high‐fidelity prototype within a month.
The approach
Meaningful Experience
Job seeking and the right resource seeking is a very cumbersome task. With many applications already in the market to help seeking jobs and finding the right resource, we stressed on creating an easy and well managed candidate and job searching experience that would meet the customer’s need. We were thrilled to create something more meaningful in an already mature and competitive environment.
Lean UX Approach
We used the lean approach process which emphasised rapid sketching, prototyping, user feedback and design mockups. This helped in aligning our ideas with the goal of the product and sparked tons of great ideas.
Understanding the Domain
Being job seekers ourselves, it was easy to understand the shortfalls and pain-points of the job seekers. However, we had to intensive interviews and stakeholder meetings to understand the process and pain-points of recruiters when finding the right candidate for a job post.
Idea Generation
We started with multiple paper sketches of ideas to understand the the user flow and further refined the same in mid-fidelity prototypes.
Hiring Portal
Sample screenshots of the final designed web and mobile application