A UX designer with 5+ years of industry experience. I am presently finishing my double Master's degree in Human-Computer Interaction at KTH. I like to solve problems by crafting digital experiences. I am experienced in the planning, design and production of web, enterprise and mobile applications. An adaptable collaborator and decision maker. My design approach is based on insight, instinct and commitment. It is guided by one overarching philosophy: to make relevant and beautifully simple experiences.

Previously, I started my design journey as an UX intern alongside my full-time undergrad degree in UX Design. Afterwards, I worked with various tech companies and design consultancies. I helped improve financial application experience; I redesigned Apple’s in-house product experience; I led the design of various in-house ERP softwares and CRM tools; and I redesigned the financial and entertainment experience of the various products.
Later, To learn more in-depth about UX, business and technical aspects, I did my double master’s degree majoring in Human computer interaction Design with a minor in Entrepreneurship and innovation. I did my first year of master at Aalto University, Finland and currently I am completing my second year at KTH, Sweden.
During the master’s degree, with my expertise in user experience design, I added new methods to my toolkit. I learned how to do apply design thinking to both solve business and user problems. I also learnt how to go beyond digital experiences and create physical experiences.
Aside from all this I dig music, abstract art, books and I enjoy going to new events and try learning different musical instruments and dance styles.
I’m currently based in Stockholm, but originally hail from India.
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